Those wishing to read more about the Cello Concerto may wish to consult the following
books. Those that remain in print can be purchased from the
Elgar Birthplace Museum Shop. A more comprehensive Elgar
bibliography can be found elsewhere on this site.
Robert Anderson - Elgar (Dent Master Musicians Series, 1993):
A comprehensive biography written by the editor of the Complete Edition of Elgar's
scores. It provides a detailed description of the work's composition and of its harmonic
Pauline Collett - Elgar Lived Here (Thames, 1981):
The perfect handbook for a visit to Fittleworth to see the landscape that inspired the Cello
Concerto. Features a detailed description of Brinkwells and also tells how the area has changed
since Elgar lived and worked there.
Norman and Jonathan Del Mar - Conducting Elgar (Clarendon,
Contains a perceptive chapter about performing the concerto. Whether you conduct yourself or
just dream of doing so, this view from the podium is highly instructive.
Michael Kennedy - Portrait of Elgar (Oxford, 1993):
Cogent observations about the score and a discussion of the composer's state of mind during
the war years from one of the most astute commentators on Elgar and his music.
Diana M. McVeagh - Edward Elgar : His Life and Music (Dent,
This early study offers perceptive insights into the emotions at work in
Elgar's music.
Jerrold Northrop Moore - Elgar : A Creative Life (Oxford, 1999):
An indispensable book for any Elgarian, employing a broad range of primary sources to
create a nearly day-by-day account of Elgar's life as a composer. Originally published in
1984; now available in a new paperback edition.
Percy M. Young - Elgar: O.M. (Collins, 1955):
The first full-scale biography of Elgar, with many valuable observations about the concerto and
his other works as well.